We would like our customers to know that our food is homemade from fresh products with no preservatives. We cook for you the recipes of our grandmothers and their grandmothers before them, with all our love. Our food represents our culture our family traditions from our ancestry our delicious Mexican platters are authentic. The food made here originates from Guanajuato, Mexico; a state located between Mexico City and the city of Guadalajara. Due to its geographical location, there is a variety of food in culmination of their ingredients. They come from the Mestizo, Creole, and Spanish cultures. This combination brings ingenuity to the realization of our delicious platters. Relax, enjoy our authentic Mexican meals and music as if you were actually in Mexico.
Our Story

Estimado cliente,
Mil gracias por su visita. Deseamos que su experiencia aquí sea placentera. Esperamos que la comida, el servicio, los precios y la atmósfera sean de su agrado.
Si en algo podemos mejorar por favor háganoslo saber. Se lo agradeceremos infinitamente. Ya que nuestro compromiso es servirlo a usted que es la vida de este su Restaurante Cancún.
Sus servidores, Martín y Patty Vargas
Dear customer,
Thank you for your visit. We want your experience to be a pleasant one. We hope the food, service, prices and atmosphere are to your satisfaction.
We are infinitely grateful and if we can improve on our service, please let us know. Our commitment is to serve you when you visit your Restaurant Cancún.
We are at your service, Martín and Patty Vargas